What data does Smartbirds collect? #
- All data are provided by the network operator via the P1 port. If you want to get more information about the data coming out from the P1 port of the Smartmeter, than klick on this link please: https://www.luxmetering.lu/pdf/SPEC%20-%20E-Meter_P1_specification_20210308.pdf
How is the data from my Smartmeter transmitted to my Smartbirds application? #
- The Smartbirds dongle communicates the energy data read from your smartmeter through your Wi-Fi connection or using LTE-M dongle (coming soon) to a cloud platform hosted in Europe using secure communication via https. From this cloud, the data will be transmitted to your Smartbirds application.
In what intervals is the data sent to the cloud and for how long will it be stored there? #
- The OBIS code values will be transmitted from the Smartbirds dongle to the cloud in an interval of 10 seconds. This ten second resolution data will be kept in the cloud for seven days and then deleted. Weekly aggregations and monthly aggregations will be kept for a period of 4 years.
What are OBIS codes? #
- OBIS codes (“Object Identification System”) are used in electronic data communication in the energy market to uniquely identify measured values (energy quantities, meter readings) and abstract data in electronic data exchange.
The OBIS code system is described in IEC 62056-61 for the electrical energy environment and in DIN EN 13757-1 for non-electrical environments. - Smartmeters use OBIS codes internally to classify the transmitted data points.
How and with whom can I share my data? How can I subscribe to a service? #
- In the “Connect” tab of your Smartbirds application you have an overview of all the partners with whom you can share your data. You will find your network operator, research institutes, but also service providers. By selecting a specific actor, you will receive information about the data sets he wants to have access to and a description of the purpose and way of processing the data.
The service providers will also explain the benefits of their service and the possible costs.
You can then give your consent individually to the parties you want.
What will my electricity provider do with my data if I choose to share it with them? #
- The DSO will be able to associate the predefined energy data you choose to share with them with a concrete address using the serial number of your Smartmeter. In this way, he would have additional information about the data already collected today by the Smartmeter for better predicting the energy flow. The added value of the Smartbirds dongle lies in the near real-time transmission of data and its ten-second resolution. This will allow your DSO to check the accuracy of load forecasts on the grid and improve the management of the distribution of electrical energy. This will enable him to use the existing network capacities more efficiently, which in turn will reduce the network usage costs for the end customer.
Can I refuse to share my data? What happens if I refuse to share my data? #
- Yes, you can refuse to share or to stop sharing your data with your network operator. The application will still work, and you will still be able to see all the data collected from your Smartmeter to the dongle Smartbirds. In case, the application encounters issues after deactivating a service, please contact: support@nexxtlab.com
How and under what conditions can I withdraw my consent to share data? How can I unsubscribe from a service? #
- Each data sharing consent can be stopped at any time by going back to the “Connect” tab of the Smartbirds application and click on ‘Deactivate Service’.
How is the security of my information guaranteed? #
- You are in control of your data. If you decide to share your data, we will ensure that it is communicated via secure communication interfaces. The communication between the Smartbirds dongle and the cloud is secured via TLS.
If I want to delete my Smartbirds account, will my data be kept? #
- As required by the GDPR, we will delete all data relating to an individual who had chosen to not use the Smartbirds dongle anymore.
Where can I access all the information collected by Smartbirds? #
- In accordance with the requirements of the GDPR, we will provide you, upon request, with a log file containing all the data we have collected from you. You just need to click on the requestGDPR button which you will in the ‘Settings’ of your dongle Smartbirds in the application.
How to delete all data collected by Smartbirds? #
- For a dongle: ‘Factory Reset’. For the whole account: delete the account (click on the button ‘Delete my user account’.